
Publications / Journal Article

Log-Correlated Large-Deviation Statistics Governing Huygens Fronts in Turbulence

Mayo, Jackson M.; Kerstein, Alan R.

Analyses have disagreed on whether the velocity uT of bulk advancement of a Huygens front in turbulence vanishes or remains finite in the limit of vanishing local front propagation speed u. Here, a connection to the large-deviation statistics of log-correlated random processes enables a definitive determination of the correct small-u asymptotics. This result reconciles several theoretical and phenomenological perspectives with the conclusion that uT remains finite for vanishing u, which implies a propagation anomaly akin to the energy-dissipation anomaly in the limit of vanishing viscosity. Various leading-order structural properties such as a novel u dependence of a bulk length scale associated with front geometry are predicted in this limit. The analysis involves a formal analogy to random advection of diffusive scalars.