
Publications / Conference

Ion beam analysis for fusion energy research

Wampler, William R.; Wampler, William R.

Proposed next-step devices for development of fusion energy present a major increase in the energy content and duration of plasmas far beyond those encountered in existing machines. This increases the importance of controlling interactions between the fusion plasma and first-wall materials. These interactions change the wall materials and strongly affect the core plasma conditions. Two critical processes are the erosion of materials by the plasma, and the redeposition of eroded material along with hydrogen isotopes from the plasma. These impact reactor design through the lifetime of plasma-facing components and the inventory of tritium retained inside the vessel. Ion beam analysis has been widely used to investigate these complex plasma-material interactions in most of the large fusion plasma experiments. The design and choice of plasma-facing materials for next-step machines rely on knowledge obtained from these studies. This paper reviews the use of ion beam analysis for fusion energy research, and shows how these studies have helped to guide the design and selection of materials for a next-step machine.