Investigation of Thermal-Hydraulic Effects of Dry Storage Canister Helium Backfill Loss Using the Horizontal Dry Cask Simulator
Pulido, Ramon P.; Fasano, Raymond E.; Lindgren, Eric R.; Williams, Ronald W.; Vice, Gregory T.; Durbin, S.G.
A previous investigation produced data sets that can be used to benchmark the codes and best practices presently used to determine cladding temperatures and induced cooling air flows in modern horizontal dry storage systems. The horizontal dry cask simulator (HDCS) was designed to generate this benchmark data and add to the existing knowledge base. The objective of the previous HDCS investigation was to capture the dominant physics of a commercial dry storage system in a well-characterized test apparatus for a wide range of operational parameters. The close coupling between the thermal response of the canister system and the resulting induced cooling air flow rate was of particular importance. The previous investigation explored these parameters using helium backfill at 100 kPa and 800 kPa pressure as well as air backfill with a series of simulated decay heats. The helium tests simulated a horizontal dry cask storage system at normal storage conditions with either atmospheric or elevated backfill pressure, while the air tests simulated horizontal storage canisters following a complete loss of helium backfill, in which case the helium would be replaced by air. The present HDCS investigation adds to the previous investigation by exploring steady-state conditions at various stages of the loss of helium backfill from a horizontal dry cask storage system. This is achieved by using helium/air blends as a backfill in the HDCS and running a series of tests using various simulated decay heats to explore the effects of relative helium/air molar concentration on the thermal response of a simulated horizontal dry cask storage system. A total of twenty tests were conducted where the HDCS achieved steady state for various assembly powers, representative of decay heat. The power levels tested were 0.50, 1.00, 2.50, and 5.00 kW. All tests were run at 100 kPa vessel pressure. The backfill gases used in these tests are given in this report as a function of mole fraction of helium (He), balanced by air: 1.0, 0.9, 0.5, 0.1, and 0.0 He. Steady-state conditions (where the steady-state start condition is defined as where the change in temperature with respect to time for the majority of HDCS components is less than or equal to 0.3 K/h) were achieved for all test cases.