
Publications / Conference

Investigation of the neutron response anisotropy in crystalline organic scintillators

Brubaker, Erik B.; Steele, John T.

An anisotropy in the response of crystalline organic scintillators such as anthracene to neutron elastic scattering interactions has been known for some time. Both the amplitude and the time structure of the scintillation light pulse vary with the direction of the proton recoil with respect to the crystalline axes. In principle, this effect could be exploited to develop compact, high-efficiency fast neutron detectors that have directional sensitivity via a precise measurement of the pulse shape. We are investigating the feasibility and sensitivity of such a detector, particularly for neutrons in the fission energy spectrum. Here we will report new measurements of the pulse shape dependence on proton recoil angle in anthracene and stilbene single crystals, for proton energies in the few MeV range. Digital pulse acquisition and processing are used to allow an exploration of different pulse shape analysis techniques.