
Publications / Report

Investigation of Nanoscience Technologies: Final Report

Burns, A.R.; Michalske, Terry A.

The intention of this project was to collaborate with Harvard University in the general area of nanoscale structures, biomolecular materials and their application in support of Sandia's MEMS technology. The expertise at Harvard was crucial in fostering these fundamentally interdisciplinary developments. Areas that were of interest included: (1) nanofabrication that exploits traditional methods (from Si technology) and developing new methods; (2) self-assembly of organic and inorganic systems; (3) assembly and dynamics of membranes and microfluidics; (4) study of the hierarchy of scales in assembly; (5) innovative imaging methods; and (6) hard (engineering)/soft (biological) interfaces. Specifically, we decided to work with Harvard to design and construct an experimental test station to measure molecular transport through single nanopores. The pore may be of natural origin, such as a self-assembled bacterial protein in a lipid bilayer, or an artificial structure in silicon or silicon nitride.