
Publications / Conference

InfoStar: An adaptive visual analytics platform for mobile devices

Sanfilippo, Antonio; May, Richard; Danielson, Gary; Baddeley, Bob; Riensche, Rick; Kirby, Skip; Collins, Sharon; Thornton, Susan; Washington, Kenneth; Schrager, Matt; Vanrandwyk, Jamie V.; Borchers, Bob; Gatchell, Doug

We present the design and implementation of InfoStar, an adaptive visual analytics platform for mobile devices such as PDAs, laptops, Tablet PCs and mobile phones, InfoStar extends the reach of visual analytics technology beyond the traditional desktop paradigm to provide ubiquitous access to interactive visualizations of information spaces. These visualizations are critical in addressing the knowledge needs of human agents operating in the field, in areas as diverse as business, homeland security, law enforcement, protective services, emergency medical services and scientific discovery. We describe an initial real world deployment of this technology, in which the InfoStar platform has been used to offer mobile access to scheduling and venue information to conference attendees at Supercomputing 2004. © 2005 IEEE.