
Publications / Conference Poster

Influence of oxygenation in cyclic hydrocarbons on chain-termination reactions from R + O2: Tetrahydropyran and cyclohexane

Rotavera, Brandon R.; Savee, John D.; Antonov, Ivan O.; Caravan, Rebecca L.; Sheps, Leonid S.; Osborn, David L.; Zador, Judit Z.; Taatjes, Craig A.

Lignocellulosic-derived biofuels represent an important part of sustainable transportation en- ergy and often contain oxygenated functional groups due to the mono- and polysaccharide content in cellulose and hemicellulose. The yields of conjugate alkene + HO2 formation in low-temperature tetrahydropyran oxidation were studied and the influence of oxygen heteroatoms in cyclic hydrocarbons on the associated chain-termination pathways stemming from R + O2 were examined. Relative to the initial radical concentration the trend in conjugate alkene branching fraction showed monotonic positive temperature dependence in both cyclohexane and tetrahydropyran except for tetrahydropyran at 10 torr where increasing the temperature to 700 K caused a decrease. Conjugate alkene branching fractions measured at 1520 torr for cyclohexane and tetrahydropyran followed monotonic positive temperature dependence. In contrast to the results at higher temperature where ring-opening of tetrahydropyranyl radicals interrupted R + O2chemistry and reduces the formation of conjugate alkenes branching fractions measured below 700 K were higher in tetrahydropyran compared to cyclohexane at 10 torr.