Industrial Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for SNL/CA Reporting Year 2022-2023
The Sandia National Laboratories, California (SNL/CA) site comprises approximately 410 acres and is located in the eastern portion of Livermore, Alameda County, California. The property is owned by the United States Department of Energy and is being managed and operated by National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC. The facility location is shown on the Site Map(s) in Appendix A. This Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) is designed to comply with California’s General Permit for Stormwater Discharges Associated with Industrial Activities (General Permit) Order No. 2015-0122-DWQ (NPDES No. CAS000001) issued by the State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board) (Ref. 6.1). This SWPPP has been prepared following the SWPPP Template provided on the California Stormwater Quality Association Stormwater Best Management Practice Handbook Portal: Industrial and Commercial (CASQA 2014). In accordance with the General Permit, Section X.A, this SWPPP contains the following required elements: Facility Name and Contact Information; Site Map; List of Significant Industrial Materials; Description of Potential Pollution Sources; Assessment of Potential Pollutant Sources; Minimum BMPs; Advanced BMPs, if applicable; Monitoring Implementation Plan (MIP); Annual Comprehensive Facility Compliance Evaluation (Annual Evaluation); and, Date that SWPPP was Initially Prepared and the Date of Each SWPPP Amendment, if Applicable.