
Publications / Conference

Increasing detection range and minimizing polarization mixing with circularly polarized light through scattering environments

Van Der Laan, J.D.; Scrymgeour, David S.; Kemme, S.A.; Dereniak, E.L.

We present both simulation and experimental results showing that circularly polarized light maintains its degree of polarization better than linearly polarized light in scattering environments. This is specifically true in turbid environments like fog and clouds. In contrast to previous studies that propagate single wavelengths through broad particle-size distributions, this work identifies regions where circular polarization persists further than linear by systematically surveying different wavelengths through monodisperse particle diameters. For monodisperse polystyrene microspheres in water, for particle diameters of 0.99 and 1.925 microns and varying optical depths, we show that circular polarization's ability to persist through multiple scattering events is enhanced by as much as a factor of four, when compared to that of linear polarization. These particle diameters correspond to size parameters found for infrared wavelengths and marine and continental fog particle distributions. The experimental results are compared to Monte Carlo simulations for all scattering environments investigated. © 2014 SPIE.