
Publications / Journal Article

Incompressible multiphase flow and encapsulation simulations using the moment-of-fluid method

Li, Guibo; Lian, Yongsheng; Guo, Yisen; Jemison, Matthew; Sussman, Mark; Helms, Trevor; Arienti, Marco A.

A moment-of-fluid method is presented for computing solutions to incompressible multiphase flows in which the number of materials can be greater than two. In this work, the multimaterial moment-of-fluid interface representation technique is applied to simulating surface tension effects at points where three materials meet. The advection terms are solved using a directionally split cell integrated semi-Lagrangian algorithm, and the projection method is used to evaluate the pressure gradient force term. The underlying computational grid is a dynamic block-structured adaptive grid. The new method is applied to multiphase problems illustrating contact-line dynamics, triple junctions, and encapsulation in order to demonstrate its capabilities. Examples are given in two-dimensional, three-dimensional axisymmetric (R-Z), and three-dimensional (X-Y-Z) coordinate systems.