
Publications / Conference Paper

Imaging Pyrometry and Optical Depth Measurements in Explosive Fireballs using High-Speed Imaging

Brown, Alex D.; Gomez, Mateo; Meyer, Terrence R.; Son, Steven F.; Guildenbecher, Daniel R.

A significant portion of the energy released by an explosive is contained in a postdetonation fireball. Quantitative characterizations of in situ optical properties are needed to verify predictive models of these environments. This work investigates the narrowband red, green, and blue (RGB) emissive and absorptive characteristics of lab scale explosive blasts. Experiments utilize a custom triple-bandpass filter to image blast emission with a high-speed color camera and calculate temperatures from the RGB band ratios. The measured emission is contingent on the optical density, which is also explored with a triple-band (RGB) optical density measurement using the color camera. Time histories of the calculated emissive temperature and optical depth provide insight into the interpretation of pyrometric measurements in optically dense, particle laden combustion environments. This is applicable to many other reacting systems.