
Publications / Other Report

HPC Annual Report 2017

Dennig, Yasmin D.

Sandia National Laboratories has a long history of significant contributions to the high performance community and industry. Our innovative computer architectures allowed the United States to become the first to break the teraFLOP barrier—propelling us to the international spotlight. Our advanced simulation and modeling capabilities have been integral in high consequence US operations such as Operation Burnt Frost. Strong partnerships with industry leaders, such as Cray, Inc. and Goodyear, have enabled them to leverage our high performance computing (HPC) capabilities to gain a tremendous competitive edge in the marketplace. As part of our continuing commitment to providing modern computing infrastructure and systems in support of Sandia missions, we made a major investment in expanding Building 725 to serve as the new home of HPC systems at Sandia. Work is expected to be completed in 2018 and will result in a modern facility of approximately 15,000 square feet of computer center space. The facility will be ready to house the newest National Nuclear Security Administration/Advanced Simulation and Computing (NNSA/ASC) Prototype platform being acquired by Sandia, with delivery in late 2019 or early 2020. This new system will enable continuing advances by Sandia science and engineering staff in the areas of operating system R&D, operation cost effectiveness (power and innovative cooling technologies), user environment and application code performance.