
Publications / Journal Article

Highly efficient terahertz photoconductive metasurface detectors operating at microwatt-level gate powers

Hale, Lucy L.; Harris, C.T.; Luk, Ting S.; Addamane, Sadhvikas J.; Reno, J.L.; Brener, Igal B.

Despite their wide use in terahertz (THz) research and technology, the application spectra of photoconductive antenna (PCA) THz detectors are severely limited due to the relatively high optical gating power requirement. This originates from poor conversion efficiency of optical gate beam photons to photocurrent in materials with subpicosecond carrier lifetimes. Here we show that using an ultra-thin (160 nm), perfectly absorbing low-temperature grown GaAs metasurface as the photoconductive channel drastically improves the efficiency of THz PCA detectors. This is achieved through perfect absorption of the gate beam in a significantly reduced photoconductive volume, enabled by the metasurface. This Letter demonstrates that sensitive THz PCA detection is possible using optical gate powers as low as 5 μW-three orders of magnitude lower than gating powers used for conventionalPCAdetectors.We show that significantly higher optical gate powers are not necessary for optimal operation, as they do not improve the sensitivity to the THz field. This class of efficient PCA THz detectors opens doors for THz applications with low gate power requirements.