
Publications / SAND Report

High-Temperature Particle Heat Exchanger for sCO2 Power Cycles [Award 30342]

Carlson, Matthew D.; Albrecht, Kevin J.; Ho, Clifford K.; Laubscher, Hendrik F.; Alvarez, Francisco

This report describes the design, development, and testing of a prototype 100 kWt particle-to-supercritical CO2 (sCO2) heat exchanger. An analytic hierarchy process was implemented to compare and evaluate alternative heat-exchanger designs (fluidized bed, shell-and-plate moving packed bed, and shell-and-tube moving packed bed) that could meet the high pressure (≥ 20 MPa) and high temperature (≥ 700 °C) operational requirements associated with sCO2 power cycles. Cost, heat-transfer coefficient, structural reliability, manufacturability, parasitics and heat losses, scalability, compatibility, erosion and corrosion, transient operation, and inspection ease were considered in the evaluation. A 100 kWt shell-and-plate design was selected for construction and integration with Sandia’s falling particle receiver system that heats the particles using concentrated sunlight. Sandia worked with industry to design and construct the moving packed-bed shell-and-plate heat exchanger. Tests were performed to evaluate its performance using both electrical heating and concentrated sunlight to heat the particles. Overall heat transfer coefficients at off-design conditions (reduced operating temperatures and only three stainless steel banks in the counter-crossflow heat exchanger) were measured to be approximately ~25 - 70 W/m2-K, significantly lower than simulated values of >100 W/m2-K. Tests using the falling particle receiver to heat the particles with concentrated sunlight yielded overall heat transfer coefficients of ~35 – 80 W/m2-K with four banks (including a nickel-alloy bank above the three stainless steel banks). The overall heat transfer coefficient was observed to decrease with increasing particle inlet temperatures, which contrasted the results of simulations that showed an increase in heat transfer coefficient with temperature due to increased effective particle-bed thermal conductivity from radiation. The likely cause of the discrepancy was particle-flow maldistributions and funnel flow within the heat exchanger caused by internal ledges and cross-bracing, which could have been exacerbated by increased particle-wall friction at higher temperatures. Additional heat loss at higher temperatures may also contribute to a lower overall heat-transfer coefficient. Design challenges including pressure drop, particle and sCO2 flow maldistribution, and reduced heat transfer coefficient are discussed with approaches for mitigation in future designs. Lessons learned regarding instrumentation, performance characterization, and operation of particle components and sCO2 flow loops are also discussed. Finally, a 200 MWt commercial-scale shell-and-plate heat-exchanger design based on the concepts investigated in this report is proposed.