
Publications / Conference

High performance descriptive semantic analysis of semantic graph databases?

Joslyn, Cliff; Adolf, Bob; Al-Saffar, Sinan; Feo, John; Goodman, Eric; Haglin, David; Mackey, Greg; Mizell, David

As semantic graph database technology grows to address components ranging from large triple stores to SPARQL endpoints over SQL-structured relational databases, it will become increasingly important to be able to understand their inherent semantic structure, whether codified in explicit ontologies or not. Our group is researching novel methods for what we call descriptive semantic analysis of RDF triplestores, to serve purposes of analysis, interpretation, visualization, and optimization. But data size and computational complexity makes it increasingly necessary to bring high performance computational resources to bear on this task. Our research group built a high performance hybrid system comprising computational capability for semantic graph database processing utilizing the multi-threaded architecture of the Cray XMT platform, conventional servers, and large data stores. In this paper we describe that architecture and our methods, and present the results of our analyses of basic properties, connected components, namespace interaction, and typed paths of the Billion Triple Challenge 2010 dataset.