High Fidelity Forward Model Development for Nuclear Reactor Spent Fuel Technical Nuclear Forensics
The fidelity of the forward model within a spent fuel forensic analysis system was improved by using two unique methodologies. The first consisted of developing a system to create accurate one-group neutron cross-section libraries for any user specified reactor system. In such, a detailed model is developed using the depletion code MONTEBURNS. During MONTEBURNS execution, cross-section libraries are generated at every user specified burnup step in time. These libraries could be developed for many reactor systems, then housed in a database and used for analyzing unknown fuel samples. The forensic analysis system for spent fuel resulted in higher accuracy at predicting the initial uranium isotopic compositions and burnup from spent fuel samples. Using this method, the error in results was reduced from the order of 1-6% down to less than 1% when recovering a fuel sample's burnup and initial uranium isotopic composition. The second method consisted of implementing 2D/3D reactor depletion codes as the forward model within the system's framework. This method would allow the usage of potentially recoverable geometric information from an unknown sample. No predetermined cross-section library is required for the system using this method, therefore potentially reducing model error associated with the neutron flux spectrum. The accuracy of the recovered initial uranium isotopic compositions and burnup from spent fuel samples was also improved using this method, even more so than the first. For MTR reactors, the error using this method was significantly reduced and was driven to below 0.5%. However, additional research may be required to determine the ideal fission yield and recoverable energy per fission for cases where significant amounts of 239 PU are bred and burned throughout the life of the fuel. INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK