
Publications / SAND Report

High-Brightness Ultraviolet Lasers for Leap-Ahead National Security Applications

Skogen, Erik J.; Fortuna, S.A.; Allerman, A.A.; Smith, Michael; Alford, Charles A.; Crawford, Mary H.

In this project we endeavored to improve the state-of-the-art in UV lasers diodes. We made important advancements in several fronts from modeling, to epitaxial growth, to fabrication, and testing. Throughout the project it became clear that polarization doping would be able to help advance the state of laser diode design in terms of electrical performance, but the optical design would need to be investigated to ensure that a 2D guided mode would be supported. New capability in optical modeling using commercial software demonstrated that the new polarization doped structures would be viable. New capability in pulsed testing was established to reach the current and voltage required. Our fabricated devices had some parasitic electrical paths which hindered performance that we were ultimately unable to overcome in the project timeframe. We do believe that future projects will be able to leverage the advancements made under this project.