
Publications / SAND Report

HERMES Outdoor Shot Series 10268- 313: Data Analysis as a Model for Output Voltage and Current Estimates for HERMES Shots; a User Perspective

Renk, Timothy J.

The primary subject of this Report is the description and characterization of results (voltages, currents, radiation dose and dose - rates) from the HERMES accelerator operated in the Outdoor Mode. The shots described range from 10266 - 10313, and were taken in late 2016. In the course of determining the most accurate estimates of voltage and current, a prescriptive procedure is developed to process the raw data posted to the HERMES database. The curren t estimates are tied to voltage determination using the MITL theory of Mendel, as modified by Schumer and Ottinger. The converter currents are accurately recorded due to newly calibrated monitors at the converter location. Additional historical information about the development of the HERMES current monitor set is included to enhance the archival value of this Report. The evolution of the TLD faceplate profile from non - peaked center to center - peaked is discuss ed , with hypotheses as to the cause. The prescript ive procedure discussed herein is accurate as of the day of printing. Should the prescription be modified and updated, this Report would also need updating.