Heavy-Ion Broad-Beam and Microprobe Studies of Single-Event Upsets in 0.20-μm SiGe Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors and Circuits
Reed, Robert A.; Marshall, Paul W.; Pickel, James C.; Carts, Martin A.; Fodness, Bryan; Niu, Guofu; Fritz, Karl; Vizkelethy, Gyorgy; Dodd, Paul E.; Irwin, Tim; Cressler, John D.; Krithivasan, Ramkumar; Riggs, Pamela; Prairie, Jason; Randall, Barbara; Gilbert, Barry; LaBel, Kenneth A.
Combining broad-beam circuit level single-event upset (SEU) response with heavy ion microprobe charge collection measurements on single silicon-germanium heterojunction bipolar transistors improves understanding of the charge collection mechanisms responsible for SEU response of digital SiGe HBT technology. This new understanding of the SEU mechanisms shows that the right rectangular parallele-piped model for the sensitive volume is not applicable to this technology. A new first-order physical model is proposed and calibrated with moderate success.