
Publications / Journal Article

Fully transparent GaN homojunction tunnel junction-enabled cascaded blue LEDs

Jamal-Eddine, Zane; Hasan, Syed M.N.; Gunning, Brendan P.; Chandrasekar, Hareesh; Crawford, Mary H.; Armstrong, Andrew A.; Arafin, Shamsul; Rajan, Siddharth

A sidewall activation process was optimized for buried magnesium-doped p-GaN layers yielding a significant reduction in tunnel junction-enabled light emitting diode (LED) forward voltage. This buried activation enabled the realization of cascaded blue LEDs with fully transparent GaN homojunction tunnel junctions. The initial optimization of buried p-GaN activation was performed on PN junctions grown by metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) buried under hybrid tunnel junctions grown by MOCVD and molecular beam epitaxy. Next the activation process was implemented in cascaded blue LEDs emitting at 450 nm, which were enabled by fully transparent GaN homojunction tunnel junctions. The tunnel junction-enabled multi-active region blue LEDs were grown monolithically by MOCVD. This work demonstrates a state-of-the-art tunnel junction-enabled cascaded LED utilizing homojunction tunnel junctions which do not contain any heterojunction interface.