
Publications / Report

Feasibility Study on Fire Suppression Properties of the Sandia Decon Foam

Williams, Cecelia V.; Williams, Cecelia V.

A non-toxic, non-corrosive aqueous foam with enhanced physical stability for the rapid mitigation and decontamination of CBW agents has been developed at Sandia. This technology is attractive for the protection of the Nuclear Weapons facilities as well as for civilian and military applications for several reasons including (1) it requires minimal logistics support, (2) a single decon solution can be used for both CW and BW agents, (3) mitigation of agents can be accomplished in bulk, aerosol, and vapor phases, (4) it can be deployed rapidly, (5) it exhibits minimal health and collateral damage, (6) it is relatively inexpensive, and (7) it has minimal run-off of fluids and no lasting environmental impact. A range of methods including systems that yield desirable properties for fire suppression foams can deliver the foam. Although the foam's effectiveness against CBW agents is well established, the additional capability of being used for fire suppression would provide a dual-use capability. If the foam can suppress and control fires, it could lead to a significant enhancement to the level of protection for critical nuclear weapon facilities in that existing foam-based fire suppression systems could now provide the additional protection of decontamination and CBW agent removal. Fire suppression properties of the foam were investigated with the assistance of Southwest Research Institute Department of Fire Technology in conjunction with EnviroFoam Technologies, Inc., a technology licensee.