
Publications / SAND Report

Eyes On the Ground (Final Report)

Brost, Randolph B.; Little, Charles; McDaniel, Michael M.; Peter-Stein, Natacha P.; Wade, James R.

This report summarizes the work performed under the Sandia LDRD project "Eyes on the Ground: Visual Verification for On-Site Inspection." The goal of the project was to develop methods and tools to assist an IAEA inspector in assessing visual and other information encountered during an inspection. Effective IAEA inspections are key to verifying states' compliance with nuclear non-proliferation treaties. In the course of this work we developed a taxonomy of candidate inspector assistance tasks, selected key tasks to focus on, identified hardware and software solution approaches, and made progress in implementing them. In particular, we demonstrated the use of multiple types of 3-d scanning technology applied to simulated inspection environments, and implemented a preliminary prototype of a novel inspector assistance tool. This report summarizes the project's major accomplishments, and gathers the abstracts and references for the publication and reports that were prepared as part of this work. We then describe work in progress that is not yet ready for publication. Approved for public release; further dissemination unlimited.