Experimental Results of 2-m Heptane, Bakken Crude Oil, and Dilbit Crude Oil Pool Fire Tests Performed for the National Research Council of Canada
This report provides results from a series of 2-m pool fire experiments performed in the Thermal Test Complex at Sandia National Laboratories testing heptane, Bakken crude oil, and dilbit crude oil. The effect of the presence and placement of a calorimeter, fuel supply temperature, and maintaining a constant fuel level were assessed. Measurements include burn rate, surface emissive power, flame height, heat flux to an engulfed calorimeter, heat flux to external instruments, thermocouple temperatures within the fuel and fire plume, and heat release rate. The results indicate that the presence and placement of the calorimeter has the most effect on the measured quantities for the Bakken crude oil and indicated no effect for the Dilbit crude oil. The fuel feed temperature had a slight effect for the heptane fuel, but not for the crude oils. Allowing the fuel to burn down did not have a significant effect on any of the fuels. The Bakken crude oil resulted in the highest average total heat flux to the calorimeter by a factor of about 1.5 and 1.3 higher compared to heptane and the dilbit crude oil, respectively.