
Publications / Other Report

Experimental Datasets for Release to The Technology Cooperation Program CP 5-2-2012 from Sandia National Laboratories

Arunajatesan, Srinivasan A.

The datasets being released consist of cavity configurations for which measurements were made in the Sandia Trisonic Wind Tunnel (TWT) facility. The cavities were mounted on the walls (ceiling/floor) of the wind tunnel, with the approach flow boundary layer thickness dictated by the run-length from the settling chamber of the tunnel. No measurements of the boundary layer for the different cases were made explicitly. However, prior measurements of the boundary layer have been made and simulations of the tunnel from the settling chamber on have shown that this method yields the correct boundary layer thickness at the leading edge of the cavity. The measurements focused on the cavity flow field itself and the cavity wall pressures. For each of the cases, the stagnation conditions are prescribed in order to obtain the correct inflow conditions upstream of the cavity. The wind tunnel contours have been approved for public release and will be made available also.