
Publications / SAND Report

Evaluation of the Computing Systems for Yucca Mountain Repository TSPA-LA Model Operational Readiness

Hadgu, Teklu H.; Lee, Joon L.

Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) was tasked to conduct an evaluation of the legacy computing systems of the now-closed Yucca Mountain Project (YMP) to maintain the operational readiness of the computing infrastructure (computer hardware and software) and knowledge capability for total system performance assessment (TSPA) type analysis, in the event that the License Application (LA) review by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is re-started and involves additional requests for information (RAIs). Six problem areas or components of the computing system were identified and subsequently resolved or improved to ensure the operational readiness of the TSPA-LA model capability on the server cluster. As part of this readiness review, the legacy TSPA computational cluster that was relocated from the SNL YMP Lead Lab Project Office in Las Vegas, Nevada to the SNL offices in Albuquerque, New Mexico was replaced with new hardware. Three floating licenses of Goldsim Version 9.60.300 were installed on the new cluster head node, and its distributed processing capability was mapped on the cluster processors. Other supporting software was tested and installed to support the TSPA- type analysis on the server cluster. TSPA-LA modeling cases were tested and verified for the model reproducibility on the current server cluster. All test runs were executed on multiple processors on the server cluster utilizing the Goldsim distributed processing capability, and all runs were completed successfully. The model reproducibility verification was evaluated by two approaches: numerical value comparison and graphical comparison, and the analysis demonstrated an excellent reproducibility of the TSPA-LA model runs on the server cluster. The current server cluster and supporting software systems are fully operational to support TSPA-LA type analysis.