
Publications / Conference

Evaluation of alternatives to the FERC SGIP screens for PV interconnection studies

Broderick, Robert J.; Ellis, Abraham E.

Existing screening procedures contained in state and federal interconnection rules are designed to balance the need for efficiency and technical rigor for all Distributed Generation (DG). The interconnection of DG that pose no risk of system impacts based on the screens can be expedited without the need for further studies. While the interconnection screening procedures have served the industry well, they also need to evolve in order to remain relevant with respect to evolving standards, technology, and practical experience. This is particularly important considering the large and increasing volume of DG applications, particularly photovoltaic (PV) generation. This paper discusses the application of two screens from the point of view of PV: the 15% penetration on line sections and the 20 kW aggregate capacity screen for single-phase secondary circuits. We discuss extensions to the existing interconnection screens that allow for a more rigorous upfront technical evaluation to identify potential system impacts, based on the characteristics of PV generation. More effective and efficient screens will allow utilities to focus the interconnection study effort for PV systems on the cases most likely to impact the electric distribution system and avoid unnecessary interconnection study costs and delays. © 2012 IEEE.