
Publications / Conference Poster

Engineered barrier material interactions at elevated temperatures: Bentonite-metal interactions under elevated temperature conditions

Jove Colon, Carlos F.; Caporuscio, Florie A.; Sauer, Kirsten; Cheshire, Michael C.

The development of deep repository concepts in the USA is evaluating generic options for disposal of heat-generating nuclear spent nuclear fuel (SNF) waste for a suite of host rock media (clay rock, granite, salt). Large waste canister designs (e.g., dual purpose canisters or DPC's) are currently being considered to accommodate many SNF assemblies. Large amounts of SNF in the waste packages will produce high thermal loads generating temperatures in excess of 200 °C for long periods of time. For a bentonite backfilled repository concept, prolonged exposure to high temperatures will induce chemical reactions in the engineered barrier system (EBS), particularly at barrier interfaces. Our focus is on experimental investigations and the application of thermodynamic modeling to evaluate clay-zeolite phase equilibria as a function of temperature and fluid chemistry. Experimental work on barrier material interactions under hydrothermal conditions (150 - 300 °C, 15-16 MPa) has elucidated mineral phase changes in Wyoming (Colony mine) bentonite in the presence of steel phases. Glassy material in bentonite is replaced by analcime-wairakite phases, and through apparent clinoptilolite recrystallization. The initial increase in dissolved silica leads to authigenic quartz formation. Such mineral assemblage suggests an initially silica-rich environment (analcime, clinoptilolite) moving towards Si-depleted conditions. Analcime-wairakite compositions suggest a well-defined solid-solution between these Na and Ca end-members. Smectite clay in these experiments is stable with Fe-saponite and chlorite growth co-existing with binary/ternary sulfides at steel interfaces. Little or no illite was observed in the reaction products which could be tied to silica oversaturation and low K in the system. The thermodynamic analysis is used to evaluate thermodynamic data and develop phase diagrams to describe stability field relations of secondary mineral phase occurrences. This analysis allows for delineation of potential reaction pathways in bentonite clay degradation and interactions with metallic phases. One example of this is the important role of dissolved silica plus other phase components to the formation of alteration mineralogy observed in these interactions. All these investigations are key to the assessment of thermally-induced degradation zones in the EBS during the thermal period and their effect on barrier performance in the safety assessment.