
Publications / SAND Report

Energy Storage Policy Summaries for the Global Energy Storage Database

McNamara, Joseph W.

This report includes energy storage policy analysis from six states: Arizona, California, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Mexico, and New York. These summaries offer prototypes for summaries that will subsequently be prepared for all 50 states (and territories). There is presently a shortage of comprehensive energy storage policy analysis that public utility regulators can call upon to inform policymaking in their own jurisdictions. The state policy summaries that will be offered publicly on the Global Energy Storage Database (GESDB) will include analysis on the executive directives, legislation, regulations pertaining to energy storage that have been adopted by an individual state, along with perspective on the remaining policy issues pertaining to storage that a state will be likely to address in the future. It is anticipated that public utility regulators in particular will find the database to be a useful resource in benchmarking policy approaches critical to the continued development of an energy storage marketplace in the U.S., including policy approaches specific to storage and renewables procurement targets, interconnection standards, valuation of energy storage, rate reform and tariff design specific to energy storage, consideration of multiple uses for storage at the distribution level, and potential revisions to existing state net metering programs to accommodate an expected growth of energy storage technologies.