
Publications / SAND Report

Effects of Model Uncertainties in Underground Chemical Explosions on Far-field Results

Eliassi, Mehdi E.; Preston, Leiph A.

We used the CTH shock physics code to simulate the explosion of an 18-t chemical explosive at a depth of 250 m. We used the CTH in the two-dimensional axisymmetric (cylindrical) geometry (2DC) and most simulations included fully tamped explosions in wet tuff. Our study focused on parametric studies of three of the traditional strength models available in CTH, namely, geologic-yield, elastic perfectly-plastic von Mises, and Johnson-Cook strength (flow stress) models. We processed CTH results through a code that generates Reduced Displacement Potential (RDP) histories for each simulation. Since RDP is the solution of the linear wave equation in spherical coordinates, it is mainly valid at far-enough distance from the explosion the elastic radius. Among various parameters examined, we found the yield strength to have the greatest effect on the resulting RDP, where the peak RDP reduces almost linearly in log-log space as the yield strength increases. Moreover, an underground chemical explosion results in a cavity whose final diameter is inversely proportional to the material yield strength, i.e., as the material's yield strength increases the resulting final cavity radius decreases. Additionally, we found the choice of explosive material (COMP-C4 versus COMP-B) has minor effects on the peak RDP, where denser COMP-C4 shows higher peak RDP than the less dense COMP-B by a factor of ~1.1. In addition to wet tuff, we studied explosions in dry tuff, salt, and basalt, for a single strength model and yield strength value. We found wet tuff has the highest peak RDP value, followed by dry tuff, salt, and basalt. 2DC simulations of explosions in 11 m radius spherical, hemispherical, and cylindrical cavities showed the RDP signals have much lower magnitude than tamped explosions, where the cavity explosions mimicked nearly decoupled explosions.