
Publications / Journal Article

Dynamic x-ray diffraction and nanosecond quantification of kinetics of formation of β -zirconium under shock compression

Kalita, Patricia K.; Brown, Justin L.; Specht, Paul E.; Root, Seth R.; White, Melanie; Smith, Jesse S.

We report the atomic- and nanosecond-scale quantification of kinetics of a shock-driven phase transition in Zr metal. We uniquely make use of a multiple shock-and-release loading pathway to shock Zr into the β phase and to create a quasisteady pressure and temperature state shortly after. Coupling shock loading with in situ time-resolved synchrotron x-ray diffraction, we probe the structural transformation of Zr in the steady state. Our results provide a quantified expression of kinetics of formation of β-Zr phase under shock loading: transition incubation time, completion time, and crystallization rate.