
Publications / Conference Poster

Distribution system low-voltage circuit topology estimation using smart metering data

Peppanen, Jouni; Grijalva, Santiago; Reno, Matthew J.; Broderick, Robert J.

Operating distribution systems with a growing number of distributed energy resources requires accurate feeder models down to the point of interconnection. Many of the new resources are located in the secondary low-voltage distribution circuits that typically are not modeled or modeled with low level of detail. This paper presents a practical and computational efficient approach for estimating the secondary circuit topologies from historical voltage and power measurement data provided by smart meters and distributed energy resource sensors. The accuracy of the algorithm is demonstrated on a 66-node test circuit utilizing real AMI data. The algorithm is also utilized to estimate the secondary circuit topologies of the Georgia Tech distribution system. Challenges and practical implementation approaches of the algorithm are discussed. The paper demonstrates the computational infeasibility of exhaustive secondary circuit topology estimation approaches and presents an efficient algorithm for verifying whether two radial secondary circuits have identical topologies.