
Publications / Conference

Diagnosing dynamic hohlraums with K-shell spectroscopy of embedded tracer layers

Apruzese, J.P.; Clark, R.W.; Kepple, P.C.; Davis, J.; Sanford, T.W.L.; Nash, Thomas J.; Mock, R.C.; Peterson, D.L.

Diagnostic tracer layers of Al and/or Mg have been embedded in Dynamic Hohlraum targets which are imploded on Sandia National Laboratories' Z generator by surrounding them with nested arrays of tungsten wires. The K-shell lines of these elements are observed, usually in absorption, in both time-resolved and time-integrated spectra. The radiation physics of line formation in this environment is well understood and captured with a detailed model. A χ 2 fit to the measured line intensities is used in conjunction with the model to determine the hohlraums' intrinsic properties. Among other features, our analyses find no evidence of intrinsic top-bottom asymmetry in the Dynamic Hohlraums. © 2006 American Institute of Physics.