
Publications / Journal Article

Design and fabrication of a high-temperature helium regenerator

Youchison, D.L.; Garde, J.

Refractory metallic foams can increase heat transfer efficiency in gas-to-gas and liquid metal-to-gas heat exchangers by providing an extended surface area for better convection, i.e. conduction into the foam ligaments providing a "fin-effect," and by disruption of the thermal boundary layer near the hot wall and ligaments by turbulence promotion. In this article, we describe the design of a high-temperature refractory regenerator (closed-loop recuperator) using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling of actual foam geometries obtained through computerized micro-tomography. The article outlines the design procedure from geometry import through meshing and thermo-mechanical analysis and discusses the challenges of fabrication using pure molybdenum and TZM. The foam core regenerator is more easily fabricated, less expensive and performs better than refractory flat plate-type heat exchangers. The regenerator can operate with a maximum hot leg inlet temperature of 900 °C and transfer 180 kW to the cold leg using 100 g/s helium at 4 MPa. Future high heat flux experiments on helium-cooled plasma facing components will utilize the high temperature and high pressure capabilities of this unique regenerator. Similar components will be required to adapt fusion power reactors to high-efficiency Brayton power conversion systems and enable operation of advanced divertor and blanket systems. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.