
Publications / Other Report

Deploy production sliding mesh capability with linear solver benchmarking

Domino, Stefan P.; Barone, Matthew F.; Williams, Alan B.; Knaus, Robert C.

Wind applications require the ability to simulate rotating blades. To support this use-case, a novel design-order sliding mesh algorithm has been developed and deployed. The hybrid method combines the control volume finite element methodology (CVFEM) with concepts found within a discontinuous Galerkin (DG) finite element method (FEM) to manage a sliding mesh. The method has been demonstrated to be design-order for the tested polynomial basis (P=1 and P=2) and has been deployed to provide production simulation capability for a Vestas V27 (225 kW) wind turbine. Other stationary and canonical rotating ow simulations are also presented. As the majority of wind-energy applications are driving extensive usage of hybrid meshes, a foundational study that outlines near-wall numerical behavior for a variety of element topologies is presented. Results indicate that the proposed nonlinear stabilization operator (NSO) is an effective stabilization methodology to control Gibbs phenomena at large cell Peclet numbers. The study also provides practical mesh resolution guidelines for future analysis efforts. Application-driven performance and algorithmic improvements have been carried out to increase robustness of the scheme on hybrid production wind energy meshes. Specifically, the Kokkos-based Nalu Kernel construct outlined in the FY17/Q4 ExaWind milestone has been transitioned to the hybrid mesh regime. This code base is exercised within a full V27 production run. Simulation timings for parallel search and custom ghosting are presented. As the low-Mach application space requires implicit matrix solves, the cost of matrix reinitialization has been evaluated on a variety of production meshes. Results indicate that at low element counts, i.e., fewer than 100 million elements, matrix graph initialization and preconditioner setup times are small. However, as mesh sizes increase, e.g., 500 million elements, simulation time associated with \setup-up" costs can increase to nearly 50% of overall simulation time when using the full Tpetra solver stack and nearly 35% when using a mixed Tpetra- Hypre-based solver stack. The report also highlights the project achievement of surpassing the 1 billion element mesh scale for a production V27 hybrid mesh. A detailed timing breakdown is presented that again suggests work to be done in the setup events associated with the linear system. In order to mitigate these initialization costs, several application paths have been explored, all of which are designed to reduce the frequency of matrix reinitialization. Methods such as removing Jacobian entries on the dynamic matrix columns (in concert with increased inner equation iterations), and lagging of Jacobian entries have reduced setup times at the cost of numerical stability. Artificially increasing, or bloating, the matrix stencil to ensure that full Jacobians are included is developed with results suggesting that this methodology is useful in decreasing reinitialization events without loss of matrix contributions. With the above foundational advances in computational capability, the project is well positioned to begin scientific inquiry on a variety of wind-farm physics such as turbine/turbine wake interactions.