
Publications / Conference

Data-free inference of the joint distribution of uncertain model parameters

Berry, Robert D.; Najm, H.N.; Debusschere, Bert D.; Adalsteinsson, Helgi A.

It is known that, in general, the correlation structure in the joint distribution of model parameters is critical to the uncertainty analysis of that model. Very often, however, studies in the literature only report nominal values for parameters inferred from data, along with confidence intervals for these parameters, but no details on the correlation or full joint distribution of these parameters. When neither posterior nor data are available, but only summary statistics such as nominal values and confidence intervals, a joint PDF must be chosen. Given the summary statistics it may not be reasonable nor necessary to assume the parameters are independent random variables. We demonstrate, using a Bayesian inference procedure, how to construct a posterior density for the parameters exhibiting self consistent correlations, in the absence of data, given (1) the fit-model, (2) nominal parameter values, (3) bounds on the parameters, and (4) a postulated statistical model, around the fit-model, for the missing data. Our approach ensures external Bayesian updating while marginalizing over possible data realizations. We then address the matching of given parameter bounds through the choice of hyperparameters, which are introduced in postulating the statistical model, but are not given nominal values. We discuss some possible approaches, including (1) inferring them in a separate Bayesian inference loop and (2) optimization. We also perform an empirical evaluation of the algorithm showing the posterior obtained with this data free inference compares well with the true posterior obtained from inference against the full data set.