
Publications / Conference Poster

Counting triangles in real-world graph streams: Dealing with repeated edges and time windows

Jha, Madhav; Pinar, Ali P.; Seshadhri, C.

Graphs in the real-world are often temporal and can be represented as a "stream" of edges. Estimating the number of triangles in a graph observed as a stream of edges is a fundamental problem in data mining. Our goal is to design a single pass space-efficient streaming algorithm for estimating triangle counts. While there are numerous algorithms for this problem, they all (implicitly or explicitly) assume that the stream does not contain duplicate edges. However, real graph streams are rife with duplicate edges. The work around is typically an extra unaccounted pass (storing all the edges!) just to "clean up" the data. Furthermore, previous work tends to aggregate all edges to construct a graph, discarding the temporal information. It will be much more informative to investigate temporal windows, especially multiple time windows simultaneously. Can we estimate triangle counts for multiple time windows in a single pass even when the stream contains repeated edges? In this work, we give the first algorithm for estimating the triangle count of a multigraph stream of edges over arbitrary time windows. We build on existing "wedge sampling" work for triangle counting. Duplicate edges create significant biasing issues for small space streaming algorithms, which we provably resolve through a subtle debiasing mechanism. Moreover, our algorithm seamlessly handles multiple time windows. The final result is theoretically provable and has excellent performance in practice. Our algorithm discovers fascinating transitivity and triangle trends in real-world temporal graphs.