
Publications / Journal Article

Coulombic friction in metamaterials to dissipate mechanical energy

Garland, Anthony G.; Adstedt, Katarina M.; White, Benjamin C.; Mook, William M.; Kaehr, Bryan J.; Jared, Bradley H.; Lester, Brian T.; Leathe, Nicholas L.; Schwaller, Eric; Boyce, Brad B.

Product designs from a wide range of industries such as aerospace, automotive, biomedical, and others can benefit from new metamaterials for mechanical energy dissipation. In this study, we explore a novel new class of metamaterials with unit cells that absorb energy via sliding Coulombic friction. Remarkably, even materials such as metals and ceramics, which typically have no intrinsic reversible energy dissipation, can be architected to provide dissipation akin to elastomers. The concept is demonstrated at different scales (centimeter to micrometer), with different materials (metal and polymer), and in different operating environments (high and low temperatures), all showing substantial dissipative improvements over conventional non-contacting lattice unit cells. Further, as with other ‘programmable’ metamaterials, the degree of Coulombic absorption can be tailored for a given application. An analytic expression is derived to allow rapid first-order optimization. This new class of Coulombic friction energy absorbers can apply broadly to many industrial sectors such as transportation (e.g. monolithic shock absorbers), biomedical (e.g. prosthetics), athletic equipment (e.g. skis, bicycles, etc.), defense (e.g. vibration tolerant structures), and energy (e.g. survivable electrical grid components).