
Publications / Journal Article

Correlation of a Bipolar-Transistor-Based Neutron Displacement Damage Sensor Methodology with Proton Irradiations

Tonigan, Andrew M.; Arutt, Charles N.; Parma, Edward J.; Griffin, Patrick J.; Fleetwood, Daniel M.; Schrimpf, Ronald D.

A bipolar-transistor-based sensor technique has been used to compare silicon displacement damage from known and unknown neutron energy spectra generated in nuclear reactor and high-energy-density physics environments. The technique has been shown to yield 1-MeV(Si) equivalent neutron fluence measurements comparable to traditional neutron activation dosimetry. This paper significantly extends previous results by evaluating three types of bipolar devices utilized as displacement damage sensors at a nuclear research reactor and at a Pelletron particle accelerator. Ionizing dose effects are compensated for via comparisons with 10-keV X-ray and/or cobalt-60 gamma ray irradiations. Nonionizing energy loss calculations adequately approximate the correlations between particle and device responses and provide evidence for the use of one particle type to screen the sensitivity of the other.