
Publications / Other Report

Corrective Action Management Unit Report of Post-Closure Care Activities. Calendar Year 2020

Ziock, Robert Z.; Little, Bonnie C.

he Corrective Action Management Unit (CAMU) at Sandia National Laboratories, New Mexico (SNL/NM) consists of a containment cell and ancillary systems that underwent closure in 2003 in accordance with the Closure Plan in Appendix D of the Class 3 Permit Modification (SNL/NM September 1997). The containment cell was closed with wastes in place. On January 27, 2015, the New Mexico Environment Department issued the Hazardous Waste Facility Operating Permit (Permit) for Sandia National Laboratories (NMED January 2015) to the U.S. Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration (DOE/NNSA) and its Management and Operating (M&O) contractor. The current M&O contractor is National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). The Permit became effective February 26, 2015. The CAMU is undergoing post-closure care in accordance with the Permit, as revised and updated. This CAMU Report of Post-Closure Care Activities documents all activities and results for calendar year (CY) 2020, as required by the Permit.