
Publications / SAND Report

Complementary Study of Radiative Heat Transfer and Flow Physics from Moderate-scale Hydrocarbon Pool Fire Simulations

Kirsch, Jared K.; Hubbard, Joshua A.

As part of the Advanced Simulation and Computing Verification and Validation (ASCVV) program, a 0.3-m diameter hydrocarbon pool fire with multiple fuels was modeled and simulated. In the study described in this report, systematic examination was performed on the radiation model used in a series of coupled Fuego/Nalu simulations. A calibration study was done with a medium-scale methanol pool fire and the effect of calibration traced throughout the radiation model. This analysis provided a more detailed understanding of the effect of radiation model parameters on each other and on other quantities in the simulations. Heptane simulation results were also examined using this approach and possible areas for further improvement of the models were identified. The effect of soot on radiative losses was examined by comparing heptane and methanol results.