
Publications / Conference Poster

Comparison of Gain Degradation and Deep Level Transient Spectroscopy in pnp Si Bipolar Junction Transistors Irradiated With Different Ion Species

Aguirre, Brandon A.; Bielejec, E.; Fleming, R.M.; Vizkelethy, Gyorgy V.; Vaandrager, B.; Campbell, Jonathan C.; Martin, W.J.; King, D.B.

We studied the effect of light ion and heavy ion irradiations on pnp Si BJTs. A mismatch in DLTS deep peak amplitude for devices with same final gain but irradiated with different ion species was observed. Also, different ions cause different gain degradation when the DLTS spectra are matched. Pre-dosed ion-irradiated samples show that ion induced ionization does not account for the differences in DLTS peak height but isochronal annealing studies suggest that light ions produce more VP defects than heavy ions to compensate for the lack of clusters that heavy ions produce. The creation of defect clusters by heavy ions is evident by the higher content of E4 and V2∗ defects compared to light ions.