
Publications / Other Report

Commuter Assistance Program Administrative Operating Procedure

Catechis, Christopher S.

Sandia National Laboratories/New Mexico’s (SNL/NM) Commuter Assistance Program (CAP) offers commuting alternatives to driving a single-occupant vehicle (SOV) to members of the workforce (MOW). The goal of this program is to reduce SOV use for commuting to and from SNL/NM, provide MOW opportunities to reduce their transportation costs, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and reduce parking congestion at SNL/NM. The CAP advocates alternative transportation strategies such as carpooling, vanpooling, bicycling, and using public transportation. The Commuter Assistance Program website is the portal for MOW to access information about the different commuting alternatives available. Additionally, the website provides information on the City of Albuquerque’s Park and Ride program, traffic conditions, and the City of Albuquerque’s Guaranteed Ride Home.