
Publications / SAND Report

Code Development Supporting a Non-Thermal Source of High Fluence Warm X-Ray

Bennett, Nichelle L.; Welch, Dale R.

A six-month research effort has advanced the hybrid kinetic-fluid modeling capability required for developing non-thermal warm x-ray sources on Z. The three particle treatments of quasi-neutral, multi-fluid, and kinetic are demonstrated in 1D simulations of an Ar gas puff. The simulations determine required resolutions for the advanced implicit solution techniques and debug hybrid particle treatments with equation-of-state and radiation transport. The kinetic treatment is used in preliminary analysis of the non-Maxwellian nature of a gas target. It is also demonstrates the sensitivity of the cyclotron and collision frequencies in determining the transition from thermal to non-thermal particle populations. Finally, a 2D Ar gas puff simulation of a Z shot demonstrates the readiness to proceed with realistic target configurations. The results put us on a very firm footing to proceed to a full LDRD which includes continued development transition criteria and x-ray yield calculation.