
Publications / Conference Poster

Chemistry of Titanium Deposition Precursors for Area-Selective Deposition of Functionalized Silicon [Posters]

Parker, Tyler P.; Silva-Quinones, Dhamelyn0x S.; Wang, George T.; Teplyakov, Andrew V.

Area-selective atomic layer deposition (AS-ALD) is an appealing bottom-up fabrication technique that can produce atomic-scale device features, overcoming challenges in current industrial techniques such as edge alignment errors. TiCI4 is a common thermal ALD precursor for Ti02 thin films, which are appealing candidates for DRAM capacitors due to their excellent dielectric constants. Hydrogen and chlorine termination passivate the Si surface, allowing for selective deposition of TiCI4 onto HO-terminated areas. However, selectivity loss occurs after several ALD cycles. Ti oxide nucleates onto surface defects on Cl- and H-Si resists. Previously, the use of H-Si as an ALD resist has been studied extensively, but less work has focused on chemical forces driving nucleation, especially for Cl-Si. Here, formation of defect nuclei was investigated with selectivity loss during Ti02 ALD with TiCI4 and water on the (100) and (111) crystal surfaces of hydrogenated, chlorinated, and oxidized Si.