
Publications / SAND Report

Challenges in Eye Tracking for Dynamic User-Driven Workflows

McNamara, Laura A.; Divis, Kristin; Morrow, James D.; Chen, Maximillian G.; Perkins, David P.

This three-year Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD) project aimed at developing a developed prototype data collection system and analysis techniques to enable the measurement and analysis of user-driven dynamic workflows. Over 3 years, our team developed software, algorithms, and analysis technique to explore the feasibility of capturing and automatically associating eye tracking data with geospatial content, in a user-directed, dynamic visual search task. Although this was a small LDRD, we demonstrated the feasibility of automatically capturing, associating, and expressing gaze events in terms of geospatial image coordinates, even as the human "analyst" is given complete freedom to manipulate the stimulus image during a visual search task. This report describes the problem under examination, our approach, the techniques and software we developed, key achievements, ideas that did not work as we had hoped, and unsolved problems we hope to tackle in future projects.