
Publications / Other Report

CASL VMA FY16 Milestone Report (L3:VMA.VUQ.P13.07) Westinghouse Mixing with COBRA-TF

Gordon, Natalie G.

COBRA-TF (CTF) is a low-resolution code currently maintained as CASL's subchannel analysis tool. CTF operates as a two-phase, compressible code over a mesh comprised of subchannels and axial discretized nodes. In part because CTF is a low-resolution code, simulation run time is not computationally expensive, only on the order of minutes. Hi-resolution codes such as STAR-CCM+ can be used to train lower-fidelity codes such as CTF. Unlike STAR-CCM+, CTF has no turbulence model, only a two-phase turbulent mixing coefficient, β. β can be set to a constant value or calculated in terms of Reynolds number using an empirical correlation. Results from STAR-CCM+ can be used to inform the appropriate value of β. Once β is calibrated, CTF runs can be an inexpensive alternative to costly STAR-CCM+ runs for scoping analyses. Based on the results of CTF runs, STAR-CCM+ can be run for specific parameters of interest. CASL areas of application are CIPS for single phase analysis and DNB-CTF for two-phase analysis.