
Publications / Journal Article

Bright nanowire single photon source based on SiV centers in diamond

Marseglia, L.; Saha, K.; Ajoy, A.; Schröder, T.; Englund, D.; Jelezko, F.; Walsworth, R.; Pacheco, Jose L.; Perry, Daniel L.; Bielejec, E.S.; Cappellaro, P.

The practical implementation of many quantum technologies relies on the development of robust and bright single photon sources that operate at room temperature. The negatively charged silicon-vacancy (SiV−) color center in diamond is a possible candidate for such a single photon source. However, due to the high refraction index mismatch to air, color centers in diamond typically exhibit low photon out-coupling. An additional shortcoming is due to the random localization of native defects in the diamond sample. Here we demonstrate deterministic implantation of Si ions with high conversion e ciency to single SiV− centers, targeted to fabricated nanowires. The co-localization of single SiV− centers with the nanostructures yields a ten times higher light coupling e ciency than for single SiV− centers in bulk diamond. This enhanced photon out-coupling, together with the intrinsic scalability of the SiV− creation method, enables a new class of devices for integrated photonics and quantum science.