Bounding Radionuclide Release Estimates for a Hypothetical Power Reactor Accident
The object of this study is to provide an estimate of bounding radionuclide releases from a nuclear power plant accident. The time frame of interest is the release phase from the initiating event through 30 days. The maximum credible initiating event includes an initial failure of the containment function with a primary system leak. All estimates include a complete loss-of-onsite power and no successful mitigative actions. The active safety injection systems are also assumed failed. The review considers the following commonly deployed reactor designs in the following order of interest: RBMK 1000, VVER-440, VVER-1000, 1000 MWe PWR, 1000 MWe BWR, BN-800, and the 600 MWe CANDU/PHWR. The review also considers spent fuel pool accident scenarios.