
Publications / SAND Report

Best Practices and Standards for Taxonomy Development at Sandia National Laboratories

Miller, Jennifer L.; Moser, Elizabeth C.; Wishard, Lisa

Sandia National Laboratories currently lacks a systematic approach to creating and managing its corporate information; e.g., content management to include metadata standards, taxonomy best practices and style guides. Within this environment, Sandia’s knowledge workers often create and recreate information structures without coordination or collaboration. This document puts forth best practices and standards for taxonomy development at Sandia National Laboratories. It is based on best practices gathered from industry, published industry standards, and the lessons learned from taxonomy projects at Sandia. The document is a direct response to a recommendation made in an FY07 milestone Evaluating the Value of Enterprise Taxonomy at Sandia National Laboratories that “…best practices and standards be developed by the Technical Library staff” (Miller, et. al. 2006).