
Publications / Conference Poster

Behavior of salt from the Bayou Choctaw salt dome

Ingraham, Mathew D.; Broome, Scott T.; Bauer, Stephen J.; Barrow, Perry C.; Flint, Gregory M.

A laboratory testing program was developed to examine the short-term mechanical and time-dependent (creep) behavior of salt from the Bayou Choctaw Salt Dome. Core was tested under creep and quasi-static constant mean stress axisymmetric compression, and constant mean stress axisymmetric extension conditions. Creep tests were performed at 38 degrees Celsius, and the axisymmetric tests were performed at ambient temperatures (22-26 degrees Celsius). The testing performed indicates that the dilation criterion is pressure and stress state dependent. It was found that as the mean stress increases, the shear stress required to cause dilation increases. The results for this salt are reasonably consistent with those observed for other domal salts. Also it was observed that tests performed under extensile conditions required consistently lower shear stress to cause dilation for the same mean stress, which is consistent with other domal salts. Young's modulus ranged from 27.2 to 58.7 GPa with an average of 44.4 GPa, with Poisson's ratio ranging from 0.10 to 0.43 with an average of 0.30. Creep testing indicates that the BC salt is intermediate in creep resistance when compared with other bedded and domal salt steady-state behavior.